I'm sick of the inspiration claims the GB keep on making, all the while not using those words.
"Do we faithfully follow the latest directions that Jehovah has given us?"
Really... did they hear a voice from heaven? What's that - they didn't? Well, then, where the F*CK do these nut jobs get off claiming DIRECT REVELATION?! Either Jehovah has been giving them faulty directions all along (hence, the need for constant updates and doctrinal tweaks and discarded "light"), or these self-appointed narcissists are lying through their teeth.
And there's no way you could fall back on this "gradual light" explanation, given the fact that new light often contradicts old light. If anything, Witnesses have been dazed by the erratic, flickering rhythm of blinding strobe lights; laser beams that could shoot them down if they happen to be on the wrong side of a life-threatening doctrinal decision.

It kills me that the rank and file cannot even see that the only two possible scenarios are a) God has a track record of lies and utter disorder, or b) the lunatics leading them are charlatans, masquerading in full PayPal Papal servitude. The fact that this kind of issue is not even up for pondering or questioning speaks volumes of how lulled into a hypnotic stupor they are by the mind-numbing repetition of the Faithful and Discreet Slave's divine authority.